Ni No Kuni Nds Rom English 290
Ni No Kuni Nds Rom English 290

Ni No Kuni Nds Rom English 290
after i started getting these requests for this romanisation and romanising every single game i ever played through. i decided to take the plunge and start an unofficial online repository for roms. this was a little while ago and as such, the site is a bit outdated. i’m more that happy with how it is now. the site is here and everything i’ve romanised is here .
i’ve done romanisation and romanising a collection of roms and various games i’ve played back in the day. they range from x-box/playstation, nintendo, ide, ps one, n64, japnese roms, and even some asian stuff.
all i’m saying, is that nintendo could make money off the sale of an american released mother 3. but they clearly choose not to. there is no wrong in downloading it. there is no wrong in downloading a rom. it’s just a matter of how you choose to do it.
as far as i’m concerned, i don’t mind if someone wants to download that rom to play it on their ds.
(mother 3 is one of those games where getting a copy can actually be beneficial because of the increased value of your $0.99 ds or dsi game.
not to mention that the american release is ntsc, meaning you can make your ds into a super game boy. unfortunately, most folks aren’t aware of this fact.
also, i played a bit of mother 3 when it originally released. i didn’t care for it much.
the real reason i say nintendo should release it in the us is because nintendo doesn’t release anything here (so far as i can tell). this is clearly a very lucrative market for nintendo. how could nintendo refuse to enter this market when it can make lots of money from it??!!
they would almost certainly make hundreds of millions of dollars if they did so.
(i realize there are some nintendo games that are region-free, but they are rare.
i know because i tried to purchase a copy of kid icarus: uprising on ds, and nintendo still refused to release it in the us. the reason for this, i assume, is because it is pretty popular here. i don’t know if this is true, but nintendo could easily make money from selling 1-5 million games every year here. this is because of the general lack of anything nintendo has here that compares with the massive amount of video game software that has already been released for the nintendo ds worldwide).
after i started getting these requests for this romanisation and romanising every single game i ever played through. i decided to take the plunge and start an unofficial online repository for roms. this was a little while ago and as such, the site is a bit outdated. i’m more that happy with how it is now. the site is [url=]here[/url] and everything i’ve romanised is [url=]here[/url]. i’ve done romanisation and romanising a collection of roms and various games i’ve played back in the day. they range from x-box/playstation, nintendo, ide, ps one, n64, japnese roms, and even some asian stuff. i don’t intend to do everything that i will do and i will continue to provide roms in whatever language they are in. lastly, i hope you enjoy the site and if you have any questions, complaints, or requests, please email me at [email protected]. hopefully if i get enough requests, i’ll be able to start a more comfortable and easy solution to people romanising games. after i started getting these requests for this romanisation and romanising every single game i ever played through. i decided to take the plunge and start an unofficial online repository for roms. this was a little while ago and as such, the site is a bit outdated. i’m more that happy with how it is now. the site is here and everything i’ve romanised is here . i’ve done romanisation and romanising a collection of roms and various games i’ve played back in the day. they range from x-box/playstation, nintendo, ide, ps one, n64, japnese roms, and even some asian stuff. i don’t intend to do everything that i will do and i will continue to provide roms in whatever language they are in. lastly, i hope you enjoy the site and if you have any questions, complaints, or requests, please email me at [email protected]. hopefully if i get enough requests, i’ll be able to start a more comfortable and easy solution to people romanising games. 5ec8ef588b