Nalimov Tablebases (3 4 5 6) (more Tablebases) Setup Free [PATCHED]

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Nalimov Tablebases (3 4 5 6) (more Tablebases) Setup Free

i’m getting lots of invitations to attend seminars, and although i understand the importance of communication i think for a busy person like me this is a bad idea. however there is a conference i’d like to attend which isn’t an email conference, but a physical event, which unfortunately won’t be held until the second half of this year. if you are interested in that, and in any case i’m sure it will be worth my while i’ll let you know when i find out the details.

also if you are a chess trainer or chess player and want to test your chess, this is a good chance. many of the questions that i get from players are “how did you manage to achieve that?” and “can you reveal your secret?”. if you have knowledge to share, now is the time.

so as your interest in chess tablebases grows, we can now leap over the step of having a copy of those 7 pieces of material and proceed straight to the nitty gritty, the concept of endgame tablebases (egtbs):

the idea here is that we have to start analyzing such a position not with the king on king1, but with the king on e1. this is done simply by setting the level of material to 0, and setting up the position. as shown above, the e1 kingside white rook is exchanged to d6, and the a8-bishop is promoted to f5 (and hence then a white king has moved to e1). now the board structure is similar to the position we started the analysis with, and we have the full set of basic tablebases to work with. any human can play through the position, and if the result is deemed sound, then we are assured that we don’t have any material or king to worry about. thus the safety of tablebases is the hallmark of their strength. once a meaningful result is obtained, there is no need for the player to proceed further. tablebases will do the work for you. while it is true that on the staunton endgame study here, the positions along the a2-f7 diagonal are most of the time slightly more material, it is still true that any result within the egtb range (0-0.12 for this study) will be reasonable. you can play through the study, and if you are asked to provide the raw material or king, then we can conduct an on-the-spot check, as opposed to forcing a player to retrieve a disk or dvd from his cabinet. another benefit of tablebases is that they can handle extremely big problems that human minds cannot afford the time to analyse. for instance, the bologan study here has a time limit of at least four minutes for a human player. however, ggtbs seem to do it without problem, in about 7 seconds! it’s no secret why gms use tablebases – they are the strongest tool that human intelligence possesses, and have no need of mere engines!
