Hard Boiled Wonderland And The End Of The World Epub 52 UPDATED


Hard Boiled Wonderland And The End Of The World Epub 52

one reporter in a crowd of reporters can be seen walking across the street. a pistol is stuck in his belt. the streets are empty. a bullet could strike any second. or a sniper. or a grenade. or a bomb. or in a city in a country in a region somewhere in the world, a suicide bomber. the journalist covers his head with a baseball cap. he walks calmly. a hand reaches down from above and shoves him from behind. the ground is littered with the bodies of journalists. it is not a joke. hundreds are murdered every month by an even greater number of assassins. it is an ongoing world war. it has been for 30 years. and this war is not a line on a map, a boundary on a desert, a city square or a warring tribe. it is everywhere. it is not only a matter of politics, religion, and race, but of the heart, the soul, and the family. it is about survival. it is about sharing that same danger. and it is about learning to live in that danger every day without fear. that is the most basic journalism.

the violence that takes place on the front line is just one manifestation of a war raging within. no longer is it a matter of two armies confronting one another. it has become a matter of two nations fighting within their own society. in the 20th century, this war took place in cities, in the countryside, among urban families, and on campuses. it was waged in the air, in the sea, on the land, and beneath the earth. it was waged in secret operations, in the outrages of the police, and in the words of politicians. it was waged in radio, television, and the web. it was a war of ideas. and the carnage around the world continues to mount. the damage done to the world by this war is incalculable. the daily battles for survival have wrecked economies, created unimaginable suffering, decimated living conditions, paralyzed entire nations, and discredited the ideology that spawned this war.

and this war, unlike the wars of old, is not merely a simple combat between the castes, the colors, and the nations. now the political battle is between ideologies. it is a war of ideas that pits islam against christianity and islam against democracy, left against right, and right against left. my experiences with nationalism were reflected in my books. in my first novel in 1964, after the cuban revolution had happened and the united states was involved in the vietnam war, many intellectuals and students, before the war, had seen the cuban revolution as a liberating national force that would lead to the transformation of latin american societies. this was the message that they received in school, in the political press, and in the art they were shown on the walls of their houses. thus, before the revolution the author became a cuban. it had always bothered me that people could get swept up in the romanticism of the cuban nationalist message. why would they want to be liberated if they were so unhappy in the first place? the fact is that the turmoil that comes when millions of people dream of liberating others is ungovernable. the revolution turned out to be far from any such romantic ideals. before fidel castro, it had been ineffective, with no real reforms. and after the revolution it was unable to build a comprehensive economic system that would solve cuba’s problems. my own experiences proved me wrong. but it happened many times before. what is wrong with the general public? in the case of world war ii, the fact is that europeans did not have the fatalistic attitude that the majority of their people have today. after the victory of the allies in the end of the war, german culture went through a similar transformation and was far less sentimental about the past. by the time i completed hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world in the early 1980s the period i had portrayed in the novel, which lasted the better part of a decade, seemed an absurdity now. communism was dead. with the soviet union dissolved and communism destroyed, those who lived through it became more observant. so did the children who had grown up under the system. the anti-communism in the west grew only more intense and vitriolic. it was no longer a popular sentiment among the majority of the population. people didn’t need patriotism any more. the old cold war boundaries in eastern europe had dissolved. the great fear of nuclear war was a thing of the past. in those days of the fall of communism the idealism was stronger than any cynicism. perhaps it was nostalgia, perhaps it was something else. all those emotions and sensations gave way to an onslaught of frustration and bewilderment. and if the war in iraq was not war, it was a series of other less dramatic conflicts, each one having important consequences. in a strange way, the fall of communism was not so much a result of america’s defeat in vietnam, but because the majority of the american people were unhappy with their direction in the world. the fall of communism was the result of the vietnam war, but the vietnam war was the result of all the other “wars” of the last 30 years. all these “wars,” the poor direction of america in the world, these changes in the way america had been living her life for some years on the cheap, confused and hindered those who had recently come to believe in the american dream of prosperity and freedom and who saw themselves now on the losing end of that dream. the fall of communism wasn’t the result of the american military defeat in vietnam, but the result of the repeated defeats in the greater war that we had to fight for the very existence of our own way of life. 5ec8ef588b
